Gardin - WAFR
How Gardin validated and optimised their AWS IoT Implementation with an AWS Well-Architected Framework Review + IoT Lens
Gardin provides a state-of-the-art IoT device and insights platform that uses high-tech optical sensors to drive Real-Time Response Agriculture. The cutting-edge devices move autonomously around the crops and measure chlorophyll fluorescence to understand plant health and performance. Through the Gardin Platform, complete with a comprehensive API, growers can utilise the outputs from the advanced agritech software to optimise their plant growth and reduce waste.
Leveraging AWS, the platform uses serverless technologies such as AWS IoT Greengrass, AWS IoT Core and Amazon DynamoDB.
While Gardin’s IoT architecture and software implementation have been purpose-built for its solution, Gardin wanted to undergo an AWS Well-Architected Framework review to validate their current architecture, identify additional optimisation opportunities, and roadmap for the future.
Rather than undergo the generic AWS Well-Architected Framework review, Gardin wanted a specific IoT review to cover the nuances of serverless and IoT implementations on AWS.
Having previously worked with AWS Partner and IoT specialists Green Custard and being aware of Green Custard’s IoT Lens variant of the AWS Well-Architected Framework Review, Gardin decided this was the most appropriate review format for them.
The IoT Lens
The IoT Lens builds on the core AWS Well-Architected Framework Review, with an additional layer of review points for IoT Implementations spread over the Well-Architected Pillars. The IoT Lens covers aspects such as device security, cost optimisation for data ingest, and communication reliability to prevent data loss and improve operational fleet governance.
IoT is continually evolving, so Green Custard’s IoT Lens is reviewed regularly to ensure it delivers high value in line with today’s world, customer needs, compliance and best practices.
The IoT Lens helps organisations maintain robust and cost-effective IoT solutions that align with their business objectives while mitigating risks and optimising performance.
The Review
Gardin completed an initial questionnaire, provided by Green Custard, in their own time before the proposed start date. This enabled Green Custard to quickly understand the workload, business use case and priorities whilst putting as little demand on Gardin’s engineers' time as possible.
A kick-off meeting took place to introduce Gardin to the Solution Architects and other team members involved in their IoT Lens Well-Architected Framework Review and discuss any additional focus areas.
Green Custard then proceeded to take a thorough review of Gardin’s AWS IoT workload against the two priority pillars identified by Gardin from both a technical and operational viewpoint. Following the review, findings were discussed and prioritised based on the ones Gardin wanted to achieve quickly and with the guidance of Green Custard.
On the back of this meeting, Green Custard’s IoT experts finalised a 44-page report including some prescriptive actions for Gardin to improve and optimise their IoT Platform from a technical and business process viewpoint. Gardin and Green Custard established regular touchpoints while the Gardin team undertook prescriptive actions with additional support from Green Custard available where required.
The Outcome
The review validated many aspects of Gardin’s own business improvement and optimisation roadmap and identified additional areas of improvement, confirming the findings of an external report.
The prescriptive remediation support allowed Gardin’s team to make 15 technical and operational optimisations within a matter of days, with the additional information from the review feeding into their longer-term roadmap.
Through their commitment to the Well-Architected Framework Review process, Gardin became eligible for and was rewarded with $5,000 AWS credits, making the exercise largely cost-neutral.