Formed by orthopaedic surgeon Mr Niel Kang, clinical scientist Dr Tom Stone and engineer Mr Mark Keenan, Joint Analytics aims to transf orm musculoskeletal medicine by bringing movement scans into mainstream use. Individuals can self refer or be referred by healthcare professionals for a movement scan which will deliver results online to facilitate diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal conditions.
The end result of this project was to provide clinic based musco-skeletal diagnostics using motion capture technology. The Joint Analytics team engaged us to build the entire product - from the appointment bookings system and patient referrals, to developing a data analysis pipeline and report generation.
- Extensive AWS (Amazon Web Services) architectural knowledge
- Consulting skills to fully understand all of the differing personas and requirements
- Experience with and knowledge of video processing
"The Green Custard team have been instrumental in our product's success, guiding us through complex development decisions and balancing costs against functionality."
Mark Keenan CEO,
Joint Analytics Limited
This complete product development has resulted in a highly scalable solution that is low cost when idle. It also satisfies the need for patient privacy through strong security controls.
Our abundance of experience working with start-up companies was beneficial when it came to gelling with the client, and comprehending not only their technological needs but an achievable timeline and delivery date.
Joint Analytics were inspirational – providing excellent guidance yet allowing us to bring our expertise to the table. We feel we have contributed to the very essence of their business.
Together we have created something that could change the face of musculoskeletal diagnosis. Neck, shoulder, elbow, lower back, hip, knee, ankle and in some cases, multiple joints, can be scanned via Joint Analytics’ motion capture technology, potentially giving patients an autonomy that has never been experienced before.
“This has the potential to transform musculoskeletal diagnosis, something we are proud to be a part of. We look forward to seeing patients use the service.” - Jonathan Custance, Director, Green Custard